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Cutback Bitumen

Table of Contents

What is Cutback Bitumen

Cutback bitumen, a variant of bitumen, is known for its ease of handling and application. It is made by diluting bitumen with a solvent, enhancing its fluidity and workability. This modification makes it particularly useful in road construction, especially under conditions where hot bitumen isn’t viable.

Production Process of Cut-back Bitumen:

The process involves blending bitumen with solvents like kerosene. This reduces its viscosity, allowing for easier application at lower temperatures. The solvent ratio is carefully controlled to meet specific requirements of fluidity and setting time.

Selection of Bitumen: Choosing the right grade of bitumen as a base.

Solvent Mixing: Carefully blend the bitumen with a chosen solvent like kerosene or gasoline.

Quality Control: Testing the mixture for consistency, viscosity, and fluidity.

Adjusting Properties: Fine-tuning the ratio of bitumen to solvent to achieve desired curing rates.

Final Processing: Ensuring the final product meets industry standards and requirements.

Uses of Cut-back Bitumen in Road Construction

In the road construction industry, cutback bitumen can be used as:

Prime and Tack Coating: Essential for preparing base layers and enhancing adhesion.

Prime Sealing: Ideal for effective sealing in road construction.

Spray Sealing: Frequently used in surface dressing for maintenance.

Types of Cutback Bitumen

We categorize Cutback bitumen into 3 different sections. You can get detailed information as follows: 

Rapid Curing (RC) Cutback Bitumen

RC cutback bitumen, incorporating fast-evaporating solvents like gasoline, we designed for quick setting upon application. Its rapid curing nature makes it an excellent choice for surface treatments and spray applications in road construction. When applied, RC cut-back bitumen sets quickly, forming a durable, water-resistant layer ideal for sealing and binding the upper layers of the road surface.

Medium Curing (MC) Cutback Bitumen

MC cutback bitumen uses a solvent like kerosene, which has a moderate evaporation rate. This type strikes a balance between rapid and slow curing. This offers versatility for a wide range of road construction tasks. MC bitumen is particularly useful for patching, sealing, and intermediate layers in road structures, adapting well to various climatic conditions.

Slow Curing (SC) Cutback Bitumen

SC cut-back bitumen employs slower evaporating solvents such as diesel or oil. This slow curing nature allows for extended mixing and laying times, making it suitable for foundational road works. SC bitumen commonly you can use to construct road bases and foundations, providing ample time for thorough compaction and effective bonding between layers.

Advantages and Limitations of Cut-back Bitumen

Just like every other type of bitumen, this type has also pros and cons. You can see below what these advantages and limitations are: 


Ease of Application: We apply this type of bitumen at lower temperatures, making it user-friendly.

Rapid Setting Time: Suitable for quick construction and repair works.

Flexibility in Use: Adaptable for various types of road surfaces and conditions.


Environmental Impact: The solvents used can be harmful to the environment.

Health and Safety Concerns: Solvent fumes can be hazardous to health.

Storage Issues: Requires careful storage due to flammability.

Cutback Bitumen Handling and Storage

Handling and storage must prioritize safety due to its chemical nature and flammability. For example: 

Safety Equipment: Use of PPE including gloves, goggles, and protective clothing.

Ventilation: Ensuring good airflow to avoid inhalation of harmful fumes.

Fire Precautions: Storing away from flames or sparks and having fire extinguishers handy.

Temperature Control: Storing at controlled temperatures to prevent degradation.

Training: Ensuring staff handling cut-back bitumen are adequately trained.

More Information for Cutback Bitumen