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What are the Advantages of Bitumen?

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Advantages of Bitumen

Bitumen, also known as asphalt in the USA, is a sticky, black, semi-solid form of petroleum. Although this highly viscous liquid can be used in many different industries, such as roofing, adhesives, cable jointing compounds, building sealants, etc., it is commonly used in road construction. Unfortunately, when bitumen was first used in pavement construction is unknown, but most of the roads contain bitumen. Today, we would like to share the advantages of bitumen.

Why is Bitumen Used for Road Construction?

Bitumen is a special material for making roads. Because it has many good qualities when we compare it to other road-building materials. After the production process, the material gains special properties, making it useful and sustainable. Let us check out the advantages of bitumen right now to learn more about them!

It is sustainable.

Our world has been showing signs of global warming for over 100 years. For about 50 years, industry-leading companies and plants have been trying to create eco-friendly products. Eco-friendly is not limited to the household, food, or packaging industries. Eco-friendly road construction is also possible. And it is possible with bitumen that is suitable for recycling and reusing.

It has an adhesive nature.

Bitumen is free from hydrocarbons, which makes it non-toxic. This material has an adhesive nature, keeping the materials bound. So stronger roads can be constructed with this special material.

It has a low melting point.

A low melting point is one of the favorite advantages of bitumen. This characteristic helps in wearing resistance and surface dressing with ease. The melting point of bitumen should be optimal. Here is why: if it has a low melting point, then the pavement will deform too easily. On the other hand, if it has a high melting point, it will not be easy to lay the material over the pavement.

It is versatile.

Both the chemical and physical characteristics of Bitumen are quite impressive. As it is a viscoelastic and thermoplastic material, it can be blended with other road-building materials. On the other hand, you can think of bitumen as a flexible material that changes when pressure is applied. Let us get to the point: if we know how much traffic a road gets, we can adjust the properties of the bitumen mix to match the stress on the road.

It is durable.

The advantages of bitumen in pavement are more than carter has pills. One of the most important advantages of bitumen is its durability. As it has semi-solid and flexible properties, it becomes durable. On the other hand, the material can keep itself safe from high traffic loads.

It has a color variety.

Yes, bitumen is black. In the past, it was not possible to construct roads other than black. But now, if we add certain pigments, we can create a color palette. As you can guess, colored bitumen is more expensive than regular bitumen. In addition, to get certain colors, more chemicals and additives should be added. So, we are not sure if you wish to lose the advantage of one of the most sustainable road materials.

It is economical.

We listed many characteristics and advantages of bitumen. This material is sustainable, durable, flexible, adhesive, versatile, and perfect for high-quality road surfaces. All these characteristics make bitumen economical.

Advantages of Roads Made from Bitumen

We listed the advantages of bitumen above. But now it is time to compare bituminous roads with concrete roads.

It offers a smoother ride.

As bitumen does not contain any joints, it offers a smoother ride for drivers. In addition, it produces less sound when compared with concrete roads.

It is quick to repair.

One of the best advantages of bitumen is its ease of repair. On the other hand, it is not easy to deform the bituminous pavement. It requires a gradual process, while concrete roads may have many vital failures.

It has a lower cost.

One of the most important advantages of bitumen is its low initial and maintenance costs. When we compare the initial and regular maintenance costs of concrete roads, bitumen is one step ahead!


Bitumen, also known as asphalt, is a semi-solid form of petroleum commonly used for road construction. According to recent reports, 70% of the bitumen industry provides for road construction. There is a reason why bitumen is commonly used. Because it has many advantages such as being economical, sustainable, durable, versatile, adhesive, etc. In this article, we shared the basic advantages of bitumen to better inform you.


What are the advantages of bitumen used in road construction?

Bitumen is a byproduct of crude oil. It is extracted and produced at facilities under certain processes. It can be used in many different industries. But bitumen is mainly used in road construction. The advantages of bitumen in road construction can be listed as durable, versatile, economical, sustainable, and many others.

What are the characteristics and advantages bitumen?

Bitumen has many characteristics that we can list as follows:

  • Adhesion
  • Resistance to water
  • Hardness
  • Ideal viscosity
  • Ideal melting point
  • Durability 

Is bitumen better than concrete?

Bitumen can hold heat much better than concrete. It means that it can expand when hot and shrink when cold. While bitumen is flexible, concrete is not. In conclusion, flexibility makes roads more durable and resistant. Therefore, we can say that bitumen has advantages over concrete.

More Information for What are the Advantages of Bitumen?